Thursday, September 6, 2018

Statement of Faith

Statement of My Faith and Politics

I have been asked by my left friends and a few of my right leaning friends to clarify my positions.

Here is my short manifesto on my thoughts.

Yes I Voted in the 2016 Presidential Election! We have a two party system for a reason. Every four years we vote to change the direction of the country.

This gives us an opportunity for a voice into political affairs. Opinions are spun from peoples own history, ethnicity, peers, how they were educated, and their faith or lack there of and more.

1. I am a Conservative on Faith.

I am a man of the Christian Faith. My faith has a had profound effect on my reasoning spiritual and politicly.
There are others that may disagree with my positions profoundly. I don't hate them personally. The opposite of hate is indeed is a tenant of my faith. Although not observed my life nor in others of faith at times. 

I believe in the Truth of Scripture to the best of my Finite mind. God is Infinite and my mind is not. There are areas of the Holy Bible I can not totally get my arms around. However I believe God is just and I trust His Character.

I trust His substitutionary death and resurrection for me and love to tell the story when invited to share my experience.

2. I am a Conservative Financially 

I believe that neither people of governments can exist by spending more than they can afford. I don't see 21 Trillion  dollars as reasonable.

It would seem at times that governments think that money grows on trees. Yes indeed their are much needed programs we need in Education, care for our poor and under privileged, racial tentions, infrastructure and more.
Wise spending is also painful spending. Need for programs are real but we must acknowledge resources are stressed.
Mike Huckabee wrote in one of his books that "compassion is not compassion if you can't afford it", Everyone has a reason and benefit for their program. Solutions are going to be painful and disagreements well be many. 

3. I Am a Conservative on Social Issues

Issues that plague our nation must require true bi-partisan solutions. I can say, with certainty, that neither side is doing all they can.  For sure the word "Conservative" today does not mean maintaining the Status Quo. Nor does Progressive "necessarily mean moving ahead with workable initiatives."
I believe our welfare programs should work to promote self sufficiency. I am for reform that promotes pride in people for work well done. That means providing opportunities for education that furthers job skills, teaches beneficial parenting and productive family life. With proper education then employment opportunities must be a national priority. Each individual should access how do I and others fit into solving the problem?

4. I am a Conflicterd on Immigration. 

I believe we should have a plan for others of different faiths and history to enter our country. I believe in the purpose of our constitution. It makes sense to me that those those come to our nation illegally should have some liability. There are way to enter our nation legally. If we need to change our laws so be it. However illegal is sill illegal. 
          In order to enforce the law we have to enforce it. Make sense? . The problem has grown and solutions leave much to               be desired. How we deal  with Children born in this country, new spouses and many more.
Does illegal entry make all the people than enter illegally bad? Of course not. But they are indeed illegal and should face some consequences. Can we send them all illegals home? At this point this seems totally unreasonable to me. So amnesty seems unreasonable to me as well. Any solution is complicated and requires a bilateral mindset. 
The problem, as it has become, could have been averted if the law had been enforced.  This includes not only those who entered our country illegally, but those who employed them. Now we have a problem that requires a complicated solution.
We see trouble and malice often in light of how we have been taught to think and our own personal experience. No matter our political persuasion, this kind of thinking is often deceiving! While this is understandable it is essential not to characterize everyone and every policy as bad before we actually know (not Think) its reason or purpose is evil. I am disgusted by both sides trying to make complicated issues simple when they are not.

5. I am Conflicted on Race Issues

While I do believe that legislation does have a place in racial issues, I believe government has done a poor job of managing issues. This is the purpose of the entire government left and right. The left would like to do what is in their best interest to keep their traditional voting block. The right has done a horrible job of being heartily involved in the lives of many minorities to the detriment of both. It is easy to see that some of us true conservatives are not well represented often in our own party! 

6. I am a Conservative on Theological Issues

I am not a humanist! I don't believe that man has infinite answers to all the questions and solutions of life. I believe we have finite minds and that many answers will be found only as we meet the Father. I find solace in the fact that the Jesus gave himself for me. For me that is amazing and underserved Grace! I don't have to wonder were I going after this. Christ died for my sin. While I have been a life long student of comparative religion this seems pretty unique to me. God is the great judge and not me.  That takes a lot of pressure off me. 
I am convinced that while politics my offer some help to the problems of this world, the heart of man will be changed little. I am convinced that knowing God personally through faith in Jesus Christ is key to eternal life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Horrible School Shooting in Florida

Few if any of us and not saddened by the death of 17 students and the resulting the pain of other students, families, and friends. Emotions run high as they should.

There are many things that need to be addressed with dispatch and resolve.

As best as I am able, I like to share some insights. I don't expect agreement from all of you.  I do hope that there are issues worthy of consideration.

Mass Violence in Schools and Society!

Yes, we must all need to rationally deal with the issue if mass violence! There are no reasonable excuses to not consider all possible cures for violence. As easy as it is to place blame, it cannot be placed on any one institution or person. Answers are complex and never simple. Every law restricts rights!! Every law cuts two ways. Every piece of legislation steps on someone’s toes.

The causes of mass violence are many. Maybe you can add more issues.

Ignorance, Despondence, Feeling of Hopelessness, Mental Disorders, Friendlessness. Lack of reasonable homelife, Lack of affirmation and worth, Feeling of superiority, Disenchanted. Being bullied or feeling Disenfranchised.

One teacher hands out questionnaires questioning who kids would pall around with and similar questions. She keeps the answers confidential. She reviews the answers to see who is never or seldom mentioned. You can see how many might fit the some of the conditions above.

If school counselors and teachers could seek more insight into potential problems then many issues could be addressed. Obviously, that might avoid mass shootings as well.

Reinforcing existing laws and creating new ones around gun legistaion and safety are open for discussion.

Education of the public imperative. Dispelling fact from emotions is critical.

Methods of Mass Violence

Certainly, Guns in the hand's of deranged people are incredibly destructive. If guns are not available, people intent on destruction can use explosives, fire, stabbing, airplanes, cars, chemicals to kill people in mass. Of course, many of these involve far more preparation. You can an add to the list! Look at 9-11

Indeed Kids Should be Protected!

In addition, we need to deal with the underlying issue of those inclined to violence. That is “the” core issue. If the is no desire to kill guns are a non-issue. If perpetrators are bent on killing better ways of identifying them and dealing with the issue beforehand is critical. We are woefully short of sensing the potential for this. Many of the kids prone to these issues may have been sharing some of the bitterness for years. Help may well have changed them for good. We owe it to them too.


Most people think the AR 15 is different from other regular weapons!

Wrong! The AR15 is just another rifle. All guns are for killing. An AR15  is no more powerful nor shoots any faster than any high-powered rifle intended to kill animals such as deer, bison or other wild game animals. All weapons are in reality semi-automatic. They shoot one round each time the trigger is pulled. No one wants to reload each time a round is fired. Thus the need for clips or revolvers such that carry additional ammunition.

Guns are not a new thing. They have been around for hundreds of years. They also save lives not only by law enforcement but by law-abiding citizens.

Somehow in the midst of frustration and hurt, we cloud issues. Somehow we falsely think taking guns away solves the problem. Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will not likely deter many who are set on violence. Guns are in America by the many millions. Gun traders from all over the earth can and will sell guns to criminals.

Should we have tighter laws? Yes, Of course. Will that help? Only in degree and probably less than we can imagine. Any help is positive! That said, We live in a very divided world. In our own country, “each” political party has proponents that accuse the other of hate and more.

Despite all our efforts, kids are bullied and torn apart that do not fit the mold nor popular. Morals have declined to the lowest levels. Honesty has become irrelevant to power and economic gain. Getting higher grades on in school has caused many children to embrace cheating. The acts of achievement have often taken the place of morality. Having a desire for others power often corrupts our own desires.

The gun lobby protects the welfare of the constituency and rightfully so. However, they too may have to make allowances to deal what best for our nation.

In any event, there is much to do beyond guns! Let’s look at all issues not simply put the blame on one. There a plenty of issues that cause this kind of behavior. We need to have proper gun laws but they are only one of many major issues we need to address.


Pain is real! Placing blame is the first reaction. Time for healing is necessary! Simple answers seldom work. 

I'm not here to support gun laws but to get beyond emotions and to look deeply at the entire issue!

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Term Racist in America

The definition by Wikipedia is "Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity."

Unfortunately, this term is often used in Political Circles to demean one's adversaries. This leaves us to actually see the injustice only on the other side with no accountability to one's own heart.

It seems to me that the very definition has expanded to include what was once considered racism. The assumption that all or most of another race is absurd and is racist its own right! 

In reality, racism as we have come to use it, exists in every heart in some fashion. Nationality, Education, Community, Family and elsewhere. We are all taught to think and to value our own way of thinking.

Strong Examination is Important before we label whole groups of people "racist".

I have been accused of "not taking a stand" so allow me to take that stand! 

Racism knows no human boundaries!

In America, we have a two-party system, thank God! Allegiance to a party is not the same as supporting the ways of their leader. No leader is above reproach. One can voice his opinion regarding the leader without negating one's commitment to a cause. There is a difference and it is patently unfair to not make this distinction.

Again we need to make a regular look into our own heart and honestly take an inward look at our own heart whether we be Right or Left-oriented. This goes both ways folks! As one my friends has said, "you have not walked in my shoes". Our background can affect our thinking but it is not necessarily right

The use the term "racist" to demean our political opponents diminishes the fact that we are all Americans!  

Demeaning each other gives little hope to reducing the divide we suffer in our nation!

I strongly suggest the problems in America are far more Spiritual than Political. If we get our hearts right the political issues become small. I'm not to saying some political issues are unnecessary but they won't solve issues of the heart.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"What" I am Voting for VS "Who" I am supporting

So "what" am I voting for? Notice I did not say "who".

People most often ask which candidate are you voting for? Yes, I agree that a candidates name is on the ballot, I concede that. There is also a party that I must choose to vote.

While these issues are part of our system they do not describe "what" I'm voting for!

Within our system there appear to be two major thoughts. There are progressives and there are conservatives. The "what"  on each persons mind often entails a mismatch of thoughts. What one person determines the meaning of each position is up for grabs. If I had to choose a label then I'd have to choose that I fall into the conservative category. (Isn't a category a place old cats go?)  Sorry! :-)

That really does not define my position. It's simply a broad category.

So "what" does that mean to me personally?

  1. Secure Borders
  2. Balanced effective Financials
  3. Debt Retirement
  4. A welfare system that encourages personal growth and integrity
  5. Free Trade
  6. An effective way to handle immigration
  7. Freedom to worship and practice or faith openly.
  8. A Tax system that if Fair and Loopholes closed.
  9. A system that limits the power of the federal government.
  10. A system gives more right to the States to make policies that make sense to them
  11. More power for cities and counties for issues that apply to them
  12. More....
Ah, but those statements do not entirely indicate "what" I really believe or support.

Each major issue has many proponents and opponents. Each must be thought through  carefully and prayerfully.

Is there room for flexibility? Is there a point to which I must stand firm? 

I am convinced that these issues are not necessarily determined by "who' I vote for or "what" party I side with but "what" guides my choices.

So in reality, as a Christian, I am to be faithful to the God who saved my by His Grace. His principles are to be my principles. Some of my big list above may have Biblical significance. Others may not. This gives me insight on "what" is important and where i can be benevolent and able to compromise.

I'm not really voting for a candidate or necessarily a party. The "what" is truly what I believe and what I can substantiate from my source of truth. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Love Grace!

Today at our Adult Bible Fellowship Dr. John Hannah came to a point where he spoke about Ephesians  2:8.  It got me thinking. To tell the truth I kind if lost what he was saying at that point and may be telling much of the story he may have told.

The King James Bible says "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"

Is this  "Grace" which we don't deserve or by any works we can do to get it. Is "Faith" the vehicle by which we get "Grace". Is Faith something we can manufacture or churn up? 

It seems to me that Grace and Faith are gifts given by God. I like the NIV Version that I think is truer to the original text. It says 

New International Version (©1984)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"

This indicates that works will not save us.  Further more, Grace is appropriated by Faith that is also a "Gift" from God. In other words, both "Grace" the "Gift" and "Faith" the "Vehicle" to receive it are given by God freely. If either was a requirement" we would have reason to boast.

In Roman's  chapter 7 the apostle Paul regrets that he often succumbs to the flesh and dosen't do what he wants to do. Sounds like you and me if we are honest. But I love what he says at the end of the chapter. Paul clearly states that he is a great spiritual failure. Then he asks a powerful question. "Who can separate me from the love of God?. In Romans 8 comes a most amazing answer. Nothing! Nothing! Read it all! Nothing!

I love what Phillip Yancy says in his book "What's so Amazing about Grace". Allow me to quote "There is nothing that can do to get God to love you more." Then he goes on to say the same thing but  differently. One that is harder for us to grasp. "There is nothing you can do to get God to love you less. Wow! Really? Even if I sin, screw up, etc? Yes, Yes, Yes. That's it! It has to be! There is nothing I can do to please God. Jesus did it for me!

So I am not misunderstood, this is not a license to sin. Obedience is an expression of his total love for us. Our heavenly father is pained for us when we sin. He knows we have set a block to our communication with Him. He never leaves us but we try to hide from him when we succumb to the flesh. We don't gain the favor of God by good works. We simply glorify God by our good works. Actually I'd like to say "heart" instead of works. We "want" to glorify God. We work not gain His favor but because we want to raise up his name because He loves us unconditionally.

Works to gain God's favor are a waist will never please the Lord. Works from a pure heart glorify our Father.  It's a loving response to His Grace. It is not an attempt to get what we already have.

Accountability Groups are always in danger of getting the cart before the horse. Not doing something won't gain God's favor. God doesn't need our paltry works. We glorify God when the intent is to glorify Him for what he has done for us. When are we most likely to change? Isn't it reasonable that we are most likely to change when we focus not on our behavior but on our relationship with the Father. Seems to me we should acknowledge our frailty (Romans 7) but "focus" on (Romans 8). Which focus is more likely to change us and to glorify God?

Isn't it far better for us to focus on what God has done for us though the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ.

I Love Grace!

Cliff Weaver

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ability to Dialog

It should be no surprise to you when I suggest that  our nation is strongly polarized Right and Left.

Many might be surprised that I suggest this rift might often be needless.

Many principals articulated well and discussed with open minds will find areas we can all agree on. 

Most issues are complicated and have many facets. In the majority of cases we can find some things that we can agree on. Some say that what we usually call "no brainers" are often "brainers" when we really look at them carefully. 

We should examine both the pros and cons of an issue. Is the issue really important? Is it in my interest to debate this issue. 

What is the most effective manner to initiate dialog on an issue.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Do your homework! Know the basics of an issue.
  • Listen for understanding First
  • Ask questions regarding your true understanding of the speakers position
  • Focus areas of Commonality or understanding.
  • Concentrate on those issues first
  • When it comes to areas of difference articulate your position with strength and grace
  • Articulate your position well.
  • Ask questions as to understanding of your assessments. 
  • Be open to being wrong
  • Find areas of weakness in your argument. 
  • Do more research
  • Be willing to change, modify or strengthen your position.
  • Be honest with yourself and with the one you are debating. 
  • If applicable set the stage for future dialog. 
  • Persever! Practice pays rich dividends.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Abortion - A Charged Debate!

 Abortion - How Should we Respond as Christians?

No issue is as charged with strong convictions as abortion. As we develop strong convictions we often lose clarity and good sense on both sides of this issue. 

For those of us that oppose abortion the danger is making enemies of those who are faced with abortion as an alternative. We may find it difficult to be Christlike in our behavior and attitude. Please understand I am not directing my consideration at our belief or our resolve but the manner of our response . 

Often people facing abortion may be hurt, afraid, confused, uneducated, unloved, lack the knowledge of alternatives and facing the guile of family or institutions. Yes, indeed they may have made foolish choices but fear is often the overwhelming factor.

Whatever the reason, the procedure without adequate education and medical care can be archaic. Even life can be at stake. None of us should ever want that. After all we believe God is a God of second chances. Abortions "will" happen for all kind of reasons. Abortion after rape is at least understandable even if we oppose it as an alternative. While abortion simply for birth control may be beyond my grasp it is the norm for others without a Christian moral compass.

For the Christian there is overwhelming reason  to oppose abortion. However we should be able to articulate our opposition clearly with strength, compassion and caring. 

There is much more to be said about abortion. Is it a legal issue? How has the Church responded to the issue? How should be Church respond today. Maybe we will touch on some of these issues in a later blog.