Over the last couple of years we have had many people jump onto the conservative bandwagon. The elections of 2010 sent a message to Washington that many of our voters were not happy with the change that our current administration was suggesting.
Never has there been a cry so loud that we can not spend our way to prosperity. Never have many of us been concerned that drastic problems require formidable solutions that hurt. Many of us agreed that bankrupting our children was not the solution.
But today many of us want others to hurt and our comforts to continue. Among the most vocal are those of us that don't want social security, medicare and medicade touched. Of course there are teachers and union members who also don't want to hurt. I guess if we could only have others pay the price of solvency while we are undisturbed things would be OK.
Maybe it is better to just let our kids pay the price. Let's just put our heads in the sand and hope the pain will go away.