Lack of Food & Money, Sickness are clearly seen around our globe. The enormity of painful situations lead may to Grief, Hopelessness and Frustration, even Desperation.
Some reach to man to solve the problems via technology and/or political and social reform.
The cause of pain and inequity in the world are pinned on many scapegoats. Some say greed, political power struggles or an economic system have created our problems.
Many suggestions might help our world in some degree but our condition is unlikely to change as a result of man's resources.
Every man is short sighted and flawed. That includes you and me. The result is inadequacy in all solutions we manufacture.
This inadequacy of man, this imperfection is called sin in my book. Since sin is universal in this world as we know it will always be flawed.
Today in many parts of the world including the United States Christianity is considered as bigoted, even negative.
There are reasons for this. The message of Christianity is often lost in the behavior of Christians. Many foolish things have been done in the name of Christ.
Secondly there is an amazing lack of honest scholarship in the rhetoric of intellectuals in the world.
However the message of the Gospel is a message of Grace. The message first simply says that sin is the source of pain in this world. While Pain and inequity will stay in this world, desperation and helplessness need not.
The good news, Faith in Christ is the antidote to sin. The God Man Jesus Christ, died and rose again that may could know God by Faith trusting God as Savior. The result is Hope and Expectancy. We won't see perfection is this life but a better life later awaits us. We can however, experience His peace now that surpasses understanding.
That's a good start! We can expand of this later.