Sunday, July 14, 2013

Right to Life


The NAACP website featured an online petition -- also posted on the liberal site -- asking the Justice Department to bring federal charges against Zimmerman in the February 2012 fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.
"The most fundamental of civil rights — the right to life — was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin," the petition says. "We ask that the Department of Justice file civil rights (criminal) charges against Mr. Zimmerman for this egregious violation."

The same agency that pushes for "Choice" when it comes to abortion wants to use the "right to life" - "The most fundamental of civil rights" as a method to convict George Zimmerman.

I'm not taking a position on George Zimmerman here. It's the hypocracy of the very people that suggest they are defending civil rights invoking the right to life? Really?

60,000,000 babies aborted, what happend to their right to life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ignorance and Speech

Someone sent me their quote of the week and it got my political mind in gear. It was a quote of the late Malcolm Ford.

It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem.”
Malcolm Forbes (1919 - 1990)

How well that fits in the political arena. So often we hear trite, silly or outright false opinions from people  who should do a little homework before they speak..

Most issues are broad and cut both for and against our opinions. We should at least have done a modicum of research before we utter words about a particular issue. It makes me remember the scripture  that says “a fool is wise in his own sight”. Words without significant thought are usually foolish at best.

Neither political party is absent from this statement. Even our current legislators are guilty of speaking of that which they know little.

Seems to me that words should be measured as to their accuracy. Words should mirror body language. Words should convey a position well. Words should not create tension or combativeness.

Your opponent will more likely respect you if your words are accurate and articulated well with respect. Your opponent  may be brought over to your view if you communicate well and articulate your positions with accuracy and understanding of the subject.

Yes it is easier to suggest solutions to problems we don’t understand. However we have lost respect to those who do. I consider that a poor trade off. Don’t you?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Prayer By Mike Huckabee

Dear Lord, we are a nation in trouble and we won't blame political parties or politicians for our growing desperate economic and moral condition. We acknowledge that we, your people, are to be salt and light, and have failed to be your presence before our friends, family, and nation. We ask for your forgiveness of our selfishness and sin, and ask that you will speak to our leaders and intervene in the direction of our nation. We pray that we will show mercy and compassion to the poor, the unemployed, those who fight illness, and those who are discouraged. We ask that you will bring mercy and compassion to our country, which has become impoverished in spirit. Bless our nation and its leaders. Give wisdom to our President, the members of our Congress, our nation's Governors and legislatures, our mayors, and others whose decisions impact all of our lives. We thank you for your goodness and grace to our country. We accept your will for our future.
