Today at our Adult Bible Fellowship Dr. John Hannah came to a point where he spoke about Ephesians 2:8. It got me thinking. To tell the truth I kind if lost what he was saying at that point and may be telling much of the story he may have told.
The King James Bible says "
For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"
Is this "Grace" which we don't deserve or by any works we can do to get it. Is "Faith" the vehicle by which we get "Grace". Is Faith something we can manufacture or churn up?
It seems to me that Grace and Faith are gifts given by God. I like the NIV Version that I think is truer to the original text. It says
New International Version (©1984)
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"
This indicates that works will not save us. Further more, Grace is appropriated by Faith that is also a "Gift" from God. In other words, both "Grace" the "Gift" and "Faith" the "Vehicle" to receive it are given by God freely. If either was a requirement" we would have reason to boast.
In Roman's chapter 7 the apostle Paul regrets that he often succumbs to the flesh and dosen't do what he wants to do. Sounds like you and me if we are honest. But I love what he says at the end of the chapter. Paul clearly states that he is a great spiritual failure. Then he asks a powerful question. "Who can separate me from the love of God?. In Romans 8 comes a most amazing answer. Nothing! Nothing! Read it all! Nothing!
I love what Phillip Yancy says in his book "What's so Amazing about Grace". Allow me to quote "There is nothing that can do to get God to love you more." Then he goes on to say the same thing but differently. One that is harder for us to grasp. "There is nothing you can do to get God to love you less. Wow! Really? Even if I sin, screw up, etc? Yes, Yes, Yes. That's it! It has to be! There is nothing I can do to please God. Jesus did it for me!
So I am not misunderstood, this is not a license to sin. Obedience is an expression of his total love for us. Our heavenly father is pained for us when we sin. He knows we have set a block to our communication with Him. He never leaves us but we try to hide from him when we succumb to the flesh. We don't gain the favor of God by good works. We simply glorify God by our good works. Actually I'd like to say "heart" instead of works. We "want" to glorify God. We work not gain His favor but because we want to raise up his name because He loves us unconditionally.
Works to gain God's favor are a waist will never please the Lord. Works from a pure heart glorify our Father. It's a loving response to His Grace. It is not an attempt to get what we already have.
Accountability Groups are always in danger of getting the cart before the horse. Not doing something won't gain God's favor. God doesn't need our paltry works. We glorify God when the intent is to glorify Him for what he has done for us. When are we most likely to change? Isn't it reasonable that we are most likely to change when we focus not on our behavior but on our relationship with the Father. Seems to me we should acknowledge our frailty (Romans 7) but "focus" on (Romans 8). Which focus is more likely to change us and to glorify God?
Isn't it far better for us to focus on what God has done for us though the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ.
I Love Grace!
Cliff Weaver |