Friday, March 4, 2011

Meeting Gov. Mike Huckabee

Yesterday I had the privilege to meet Mike Huckabee during his book signing tour in Sherman, Texas.

The time with the Governor was short. I would have enjoyed sitting down with Mike for a great conversation on politics, faith and more.

Certainly that was not to be. The Governor ‘s schedule alone made this impossible.

But my “take away” from our brief meeting was that Governor Huckabee is for real. He is transparent, gracious and an apt communicator.

After reading the Governor’s books I understood the intricacies of government and the political system to a greater degree. I also understood why he made he made decisions that he made as Governor of Arkansas.

There are conservatives who make political assumptions about the Governor that fail to know his mind. His books tell of his heart for our country and for conservative values.

If you really want to “know” Mike Huckabee’s heart and mind, then read his books! His latest is “A Simpler Government”. Also a must read is his book “Do the Right Thing”.

In 2012 you might be part of the team that leads Gov. Mike Huckabee to the Oval Office!

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