Sunday, June 26, 2011

Every Now and Then I Have to Work!

I love to talk politics and faith but every now and then I do have to do the work I love.

Photography and Printing are also passions.

Everybody has a favorite photograph that they would like to have on canvas. We can produce photographs up to 44" on the short side to very long on the long side.

Recently I delivered 6 gallery wraps 40'x 80" for a local store. A gallery wrap is canvas pulled over stretcher bars so the image can be seen on the surface and edges. They can be hung as is or can be framed by you favorite framer.

We also print backlit graphics for trade shows and other advertising opportunities. We also print on other media such as photo paper, Art Papers, Vinyl and a multitude of other media.

We also do Corporate and Family Photography.

So when you have a need for our services please let us know. In the interim please visit our website at Also be sure to click our Bluebonnet Memories blog. It's full of photo tips, travel, good eats and more.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Cliff Weaver

What Should I worry about?

This post is written specifically to my Christian friends who worry about what God would have then "do".

I can't help but wonder about the dichotomy between the scripture in the Bible about taking care for nothing and the worry many of us express in finding God's will. The verse in I Peter 5:7 rings in our ears when it comes to worry.

We might ask of His will is hidden. Should we be waiting for a lightening bolt answer or a hand written note or loud voice from heaven telling us exactly what to do.

An audible voice or a handwritten note would surely solve our problems. Really? Lets take a moment to remember the Children of Israel. They had perfect instructions but constantly failed to heed them.

Somehow I suspect that we miss the mark. Maybe His will is not difficult to understand. The Bible is chock full of instructions on what kind of person we should be rather the where we should be or what we should do.

Os Guiness said something like this, "Christians are so busy doing that they forget to be". I suggest the we worry so much about doing something that we forget to be what the Bible has clearly articulated to us.

The Bible is so clear about our relationship we have with Him and how we care for and treat others.

Maybe the issue is NOT what I am doing or where I should be but what kind of person am I.

That would take a lot of pressure off of us, wouldn't it?

Paul got caught up in worry in Romans 7. His emphasis was on himself and his inadequacy and not on God. Paul was right, we are inadequate but God is not. His sacrifice was greater that our inadequacy. Yes,in comparison to an Holy God we are "wretched". Nevertheless there is ample reason to Praise Him. Paul proclaimed his joy in is his last comment in Chapter 7.

I suggest Romans 8 describes the truth. Our focus is on Him and His adequacy rather than ourselves.

We can stop worrying now and rest in Him. Does this mean we are inactive? No, we should learn and obey Him but we can nix the worry. We can pray about our concerns but if He does not provide an answer we can bask in the place He has for us right where we are.

We can control worry. We can learn to rest in Him.

Does a Business Pay Tax?

Gov. Mike Huckabee makes a statement in writing that businesses may be taxed but they by nature pass taxes along. After all businesses have a bottom line to protect.

Now we hear that our Speaker of the House John Boehner expects Oil and Gas Companies who headquarter in other countries to pay their fair share of Taxes based in revenues in the US. On the surface this appeals to most of us. But if Gov. Huckabee is right, in actuality the companies will only pass the cost of taxes along. It's you and I that will ultimately pay the bill in higher costs of energy.

It seems that our current administration and some in our own party vilify business as a whole. Somewhere in the rhetoric is a lack of understanding of how business works. A prosperous business employs men and women who do pay taxes.

Individuals pay taxes but business will simply pass them on. The more people working, the greater the tax revenue and the stronger our economy.

A tax based on consumption and a balanced budget makes sense to me. Those who can afford to buy will more pay more. There may some provisions for medicine and food for the disadvantaged.

Emotions: Ruler or Ruled

Salespeople will tell recruits that sales without passion most will not be made.

Would be public speakers learn quickly that if thy do not tickle the ears of their audience they will fail to get their point across.

The key to striking success is to capture the emotion of the listener. No passion equals no assent.

While this is true, understanding can be lost to emotion in the process.

Most issues are complicated, requiring an open mind. One that is able to cut through emotion to face truth.

In the end we may well agree with the speaker, but we have agreed apart from emotion and faced the facts. If we find problems in the presentation we can ask questions intelligently. We might ever use our understanding of "emotion" to get our question across.

Emotion is critical for the speaker to use in grabbing the attention of the audience. The listener must embrace logic and research to examine the thoughts and agenda of the speaker. True understanding is not blind but educated.