Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grace - A Christian World View

There as many reasons to not believe the Christian world view as there are opponents of it.

I'll leave Apologetics of its truth to others. This post is simply to say that I love the message of Redemption and Grace in the Bible. The Bible tells of the failures and sin of man and a savior that is eager to atone for past and future sins. We are free to respond in love and not be propelled to "earn" his love. Frankly we wouldn't have a chance.

The Christian message of redemption is not based on a system of performance that is arbitrary at best. Really, how good is good enough and who would have the capacity to know? It is based on a God that pays for our sin and simply asks us to follow him in return.

We are asked to love our enemies and to pray for them that oppose us.

Yes, yes there are Christians that pervert the Gospel. The message however doesn't change. In the end of grace and mercy rule. The message of the scripture is Love and Compassion. We do not always promote specific behaviors but Love and Compassion should rule. People can be misguided but God is not. Our confidence is not in imperfect messengers (like us) but in the object of our Faith, Jesus Christ.

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