Monday, March 12, 2012

Left, Right, Middle = Fallible!

Systems are fallible because those of us who administer them are fallible. We screw up systems that could work. It may be true some systems may be better than others.

The problem throughout history remains the same. As humans we are selfish and look out for ourselves. The left looks out for the left. The same is true for the right. People are people. Most think they are right and others are wrong. What if most were wrong? We are busy making villan's of others and seeing ourselves as the sole supply of truth. Maybe we are unable to see the forest for the trees.

We take comfort in others of our own mind. The know little if anything about the other side but our friends stroke our egos and eagerly take our side.

Oh yes, I too have an opinion. Mankind is flawed. He is screwed up. He is sick inside. Jesus the Christ came not to foster the rise of capitalism nor to defend the constitution or any other institution. (things I love I might add) He came to save sinners like me . Do Christians always do the right things? Certainly not. Often they find themselves part of the problem.

I love the expressions by Phillip Yancy when he announces in his book What's So Amazing about Grace. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more. Then Yancy turns the statement around. He says, " There is nothing you can do to get God to love you less". That's just amazing!

We talk about unconditional love but God wrote the book on it. We make attempts at it but GOD has done it in his Son. So left or right, it all comes to naught. But God is eternally faithful to his promises.

His promises are a free gift to those who thankfully and graciously receive them.

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