Saturday, November 12, 2011

Joe Paterno - A Story of Man and the Value of a Reputation

The Story of Joe Paterno and his fall at Penn State should be a warning for all of us.

How easy it is for us to defend institutions and their reputations at all costs. It could be a school, a business, a Church and even and idea.

Moral Failure, in a moment, is able to change how people will remember us. They will remember clearly how we built them up or how we let them down. Our Legacy will be remembered. "How" we are remembered is the question. We need to be diligent not to fall into the kind of trap that Joe fell into.

Are you holding on to something at all costs? Who might you hurt in the process? Food for thought, don't you think?

Tommy Tomlinson of the Charlotte Observer inspired this post and tells the Paterno story with great insight and wisdom. See his post here!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pain in the World

Lack of Food & Money, Sickness are clearly seen around our globe. The enormity of painful situations lead may to Grief, Hopelessness and Frustration, even Desperation.

Some reach to man to solve the problems via technology and/or political and social reform.

The cause of pain and inequity in the world are pinned on many scapegoats. Some say greed, political power struggles or an economic system have created our problems.

Many suggestions might help our world in some degree but our condition is unlikely to change as a result of man's resources.

Every man is short sighted and flawed. That includes you and me. The result is inadequacy in all solutions we manufacture.

This inadequacy of man, this imperfection is called sin in my book. Since sin is universal in this world as we know it will always be flawed.

Today in many parts of the world including the United States Christianity is considered as bigoted, even negative.

There are reasons for this. The message of Christianity is often lost in the behavior of Christians. Many foolish things have been done in the name of Christ.

Secondly there is an amazing lack of honest scholarship in the rhetoric of intellectuals in the world.

However the message of the Gospel is a message of Grace. The message first simply says that sin is the source of pain in this world. While Pain and inequity will stay in this world, desperation and helplessness need not.

The good news, Faith in Christ is the antidote to sin. The God Man Jesus Christ, died and rose again that may could know God by Faith trusting God as Savior. The result is Hope and Expectancy. We won't see perfection is this life but a better life later awaits us. We can however, experience His peace now that surpasses understanding.

That's a good start! We can expand of this later.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Courage - A Commodity In Short Supply

Someone posted this quote on Twitter recently.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
The quote was not attributed to anyone.

In today's charged political and religious climate this quote comes at a most appropriate time. Opponents used to discuss issues on which they differed with each other. In this day and age it is more likely for opponents to make their views known among those of like mind via social networking and other media. The rhetoric is often personal, seldom well thought out and increasingly hostile.

Valid viewpoints often go unheard nor considered by opponents. Countries and people become charged with animosity, even hatred.

Courage to speak involves preparation and due diligence. Courage also takes compassion and wisdom. It is in tune with it audience. Courage knows when withhold comment. Courage creates a climate of respect by knowing how and when to speak and take appropriate action.

Having courage does not assure that we will not have enemies but it assists us in not making "needless" opponents.

Having courage is far more likely to bring people together than push them apart.
It takes a wise person to have true courage.

So who am I and who are you? Are we part of the problem or part of the solution? Does our life represent true courage do we retreat to anger, a unprepared mind and name calling.

True courage takes time, work and wisdom. True courage is often first led by example than spoken with insight and strength.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grace - A Christian World View

There as many reasons to not believe the Christian world view as there are opponents of it.

I'll leave Apologetics of its truth to others. This post is simply to say that I love the message of Redemption and Grace in the Bible. The Bible tells of the failures and sin of man and a savior that is eager to atone for past and future sins. We are free to respond in love and not be propelled to "earn" his love. Frankly we wouldn't have a chance.

The Christian message of redemption is not based on a system of performance that is arbitrary at best. Really, how good is good enough and who would have the capacity to know? It is based on a God that pays for our sin and simply asks us to follow him in return.

We are asked to love our enemies and to pray for them that oppose us.

Yes, yes there are Christians that pervert the Gospel. The message however doesn't change. In the end of grace and mercy rule. The message of the scripture is Love and Compassion. We do not always promote specific behaviors but Love and Compassion should rule. People can be misguided but God is not. Our confidence is not in imperfect messengers (like us) but in the object of our Faith, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Integrity in Political Debate

In listening to candidates for political office I wonder if many comments toward opponents are meant to be factual or just a power move to gain political advantage.

I suspect many know their comments for themselves and about their competitors are half truths with a ton of spin. Are candidates being less than honest and forthright? Is this what we want in our elected officials? Do our political preferences cause us to look over the spin tactics of our our favorites? I'm afraid this is often true. We often seem eager to solicit truth from our opponents while being forgiving to the politicians we prefer.

When are we going to come to grips that integrity "begins" with the truth? Integrity follows with actions that reflect that truth. It involves the contrasts of compassion and tough love. It's thrives on doing the right thing with the right heart attitude. Integrity starts with looking closely in the mirror at our own attitudes.

It will cause us to demand the same for our officials competing for office!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Erroneous Assumptions - A Catch all for Disagreements?

Have you noticed a link between how often the term "Erroneous Assumptions" is used in an unfair way. Might I even say, an "erroneous" way.

The phrase is often aimed toward others with differing stances on an issue. Far be it from me to suggest that the term be backed up with fact. Or fact in context to the position being discussed. :-)

Yes, "erroneous assumptions" is a
perfectly adequate term
when used with a well founded explanation. However this is sometimes not the case.

Before we use "Erroneous Assumption" as a catch phrase, let's do our homework.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Are Things the Way We See Them?

The way we perceive a subject may not be as easy to comprehend as it seems.

Legislation is one of those issues that will often fool us. A catchy title can deceive us. One that seems to protect our personal rights may hinder them in the long run.

Prayer in Schools is a prime example. Prayer to whom should be the operative question.

What is keeping one from praying any time they want too. I suspect nothing! Seems to me that prayer is natural if learned. Is not "what is instilled" at home more important than what is formally encouraged at school?

This post is not really about Prayer in Schools. It's to encourage us to do due diligence on legislation and all issues. Most issues have two sides. They are often like a two edged sword that cuts both ways. They often encompass more than we think. What appears to be a stand to take can end up hurting us.

Lets be careful and use our heads to understand all issues, pro and con. Asking questions and doing a bit of research before we talk.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Response to my "Tired if Politics Post" by Mike Shoemake

Mike sent me an email with his response which he couldn't get in 300 characters. I think it is worth passing on.

Cllff, I understand your sentiment. I read a quote one time that said "Leaders of the world are tired people." And, they are. I expect the majority of them are as sick of politics as we are. They won't say it publicly, but I know firsthand many of them are.

Another point I'd like to make is that I hear people say that the only power we have as citizens of this country is our vote. That is not true. We also have our voice, and we should let it be known on the issues important to us.

I recently asked Senator Hutchinson to help halt the continued violation of our rights by TSA and their groping our body parts at airport security lines. I went as far as to challenge her that if she didn't she should be the first female politician to allow herself to get "felt up". This would be an example of using one's voice. And, there are countless opportunities to tell our leaders how much we appreciate what they do well.

We are a much too silent majority

Tired of Politics??

Politics are testy! I've been involved in local and national politics for a couple years. And yes, I get tired.

I'm tired of politicians that don't live the way they talk.

I'm tired of voters who don't make an effort to
understand issues.

I'm tired of Name Calling and Personal Attacks

I'm tired of those who won't take a stand on issues.

I'm tired of those who think integrity in personal life doesn't affect decisions in the political realm.

I'm tired of of the moral downturn I see in America.

I'm tired of our unemployment rate.

I'm tired of our jobs going off shore and our government giving companies breaks to do so.

I'm tired of leaders in US who dish our constitution and our Christian heritage.

I'm tired about a lot of things!

However, I'm not quitting! Two things keep me going! I believe God is Sovereign and Politics aren't. And I believe that keeping quiet about the issues we face as a Nation speeds up our fall.

So I won't stop working to save our nation if possible. I hope you won't too!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Issues to Address are Greater than Our Frustration to Attack Personality

Our Borders are Unprotected and only Lip Service is being done.

We have become a Debtor Nation and some want to Spend More

Or Values as a Nation are Deteriorating at a Rapid Pace

Our Economy is in a Precarious Slump

The Value of Life (Young and Old) is in Serious Question>

The Structure of the Family is Under Attack

The Rich are Being Vilified - The Middle Class may be Next.

Many in our Land feel Entitled to others Wealth and Influence

Many in or Nation do not Understand the Value of Free Enterprise and therefor Capitalism

Other Religions are given Free Speech but the Christian Message is being Chastised.

Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the Short List


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Every Now and Then I Have to Work!

I love to talk politics and faith but every now and then I do have to do the work I love.

Photography and Printing are also passions.

Everybody has a favorite photograph that they would like to have on canvas. We can produce photographs up to 44" on the short side to very long on the long side.

Recently I delivered 6 gallery wraps 40'x 80" for a local store. A gallery wrap is canvas pulled over stretcher bars so the image can be seen on the surface and edges. They can be hung as is or can be framed by you favorite framer.

We also print backlit graphics for trade shows and other advertising opportunities. We also print on other media such as photo paper, Art Papers, Vinyl and a multitude of other media.

We also do Corporate and Family Photography.

So when you have a need for our services please let us know. In the interim please visit our website at Also be sure to click our Bluebonnet Memories blog. It's full of photo tips, travel, good eats and more.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Cliff Weaver

What Should I worry about?

This post is written specifically to my Christian friends who worry about what God would have then "do".

I can't help but wonder about the dichotomy between the scripture in the Bible about taking care for nothing and the worry many of us express in finding God's will. The verse in I Peter 5:7 rings in our ears when it comes to worry.

We might ask of His will is hidden. Should we be waiting for a lightening bolt answer or a hand written note or loud voice from heaven telling us exactly what to do.

An audible voice or a handwritten note would surely solve our problems. Really? Lets take a moment to remember the Children of Israel. They had perfect instructions but constantly failed to heed them.

Somehow I suspect that we miss the mark. Maybe His will is not difficult to understand. The Bible is chock full of instructions on what kind of person we should be rather the where we should be or what we should do.

Os Guiness said something like this, "Christians are so busy doing that they forget to be". I suggest the we worry so much about doing something that we forget to be what the Bible has clearly articulated to us.

The Bible is so clear about our relationship we have with Him and how we care for and treat others.

Maybe the issue is NOT what I am doing or where I should be but what kind of person am I.

That would take a lot of pressure off of us, wouldn't it?

Paul got caught up in worry in Romans 7. His emphasis was on himself and his inadequacy and not on God. Paul was right, we are inadequate but God is not. His sacrifice was greater that our inadequacy. Yes,in comparison to an Holy God we are "wretched". Nevertheless there is ample reason to Praise Him. Paul proclaimed his joy in is his last comment in Chapter 7.

I suggest Romans 8 describes the truth. Our focus is on Him and His adequacy rather than ourselves.

We can stop worrying now and rest in Him. Does this mean we are inactive? No, we should learn and obey Him but we can nix the worry. We can pray about our concerns but if He does not provide an answer we can bask in the place He has for us right where we are.

We can control worry. We can learn to rest in Him.

Does a Business Pay Tax?

Gov. Mike Huckabee makes a statement in writing that businesses may be taxed but they by nature pass taxes along. After all businesses have a bottom line to protect.

Now we hear that our Speaker of the House John Boehner expects Oil and Gas Companies who headquarter in other countries to pay their fair share of Taxes based in revenues in the US. On the surface this appeals to most of us. But if Gov. Huckabee is right, in actuality the companies will only pass the cost of taxes along. It's you and I that will ultimately pay the bill in higher costs of energy.

It seems that our current administration and some in our own party vilify business as a whole. Somewhere in the rhetoric is a lack of understanding of how business works. A prosperous business employs men and women who do pay taxes.

Individuals pay taxes but business will simply pass them on. The more people working, the greater the tax revenue and the stronger our economy.

A tax based on consumption and a balanced budget makes sense to me. Those who can afford to buy will more pay more. There may some provisions for medicine and food for the disadvantaged.

Emotions: Ruler or Ruled

Salespeople will tell recruits that sales without passion most will not be made.

Would be public speakers learn quickly that if thy do not tickle the ears of their audience they will fail to get their point across.

The key to striking success is to capture the emotion of the listener. No passion equals no assent.

While this is true, understanding can be lost to emotion in the process.

Most issues are complicated, requiring an open mind. One that is able to cut through emotion to face truth.

In the end we may well agree with the speaker, but we have agreed apart from emotion and faced the facts. If we find problems in the presentation we can ask questions intelligently. We might ever use our understanding of "emotion" to get our question across.

Emotion is critical for the speaker to use in grabbing the attention of the audience. The listener must embrace logic and research to examine the thoughts and agenda of the speaker. True understanding is not blind but educated.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Positions - Sense or Nonsense?

Tim Pawlenty recently made a switch is his position regarding ethanol subsidies.

Political pundits are arguing about Pawlenty's reason for changing his position. Regardless of his reasons, what seems like sense may not be!

Part of the problem is that we take positions without examining all the pros and cons. What does this position do to reduce our problems? In the case of dependence on foreign oil, Ethanol, at first glance, appeared a likely answer. We could turn renewable crops into energy to fuel our automobiles and other vehicles.

On second glance, what would be the impact on our society if we faced higher food prices based on less land available to raise produce and the conflict of higher prices of corn products.

This treatise is not really about "ethanol". Positions are about how we process information. Most positions have two sides to them. They are like two edged swords that cut going in and going out. One side is a benefit while the other carries a price.

We need to be able to understand the benefit to cost ratio before espousing a position.

Have we done our homework or have we coped someones opinion?

We all have made foolish decisions based on faulty assessments. Sometimes new evidence will change our positions.

When it comes to crucial positions lets apply a modicum of positive and honest research before taking a position. Let's do our homework!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our School Systems Not Immune From Waste!

Our Texas Legislators are trying to get the costs of education in control.

Now Texas Pundits are proliferating the media with 1/2 truths telling the Mom's and Dad's that the Legislature is trying to short change our school children by taking teachers our of the classroom.

We should all be outraged if that were the whole issue. It is not! Today we find that there is nearly a 1 to 1 ratio of school administrators to teachers in Texas. How many administrators are necessary? In addition schools spend money without considering the cost/benefit ratio.

Some school districts understand the cost/benefit ratio and act accordingly. They are in the minority. Other districts might consider ways to cut costs without cutting classroom teachers.

We can cut school spending without taking effective programs from our children.

Application of a cost/benefit ration to every aspect of schooling our children should be our first priority.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tell me the Truth or Tickle my Ears

Over the last couple of years we have had many people jump onto the conservative bandwagon. The elections of 2010 sent a message to Washington that many of our voters were not happy with the change that our current administration was suggesting.

Never has there been a cry so loud that we can not spend our way to prosperity. Never have many of us been concerned that drastic problems require formidable solutions that hurt. Many of us agreed that bankrupting our children was not the solution.

But today many of us want others to hurt and our comforts to continue. Among the most vocal are those of us that don't want social security, medicare and medicade touched. Of course there are teachers and union members who also don't want to hurt. I guess if we could only have others pay the price of solvency while we are undisturbed things would be OK.

Maybe it is better to just let our kids pay the price. Let's just put our heads in the sand and hope the pain will go away.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Meeting Gov. Mike Huckabee

Yesterday I had the privilege to meet Mike Huckabee during his book signing tour in Sherman, Texas.

The time with the Governor was short. I would have enjoyed sitting down with Mike for a great conversation on politics, faith and more.

Certainly that was not to be. The Governor ‘s schedule alone made this impossible.

But my “take away” from our brief meeting was that Governor Huckabee is for real. He is transparent, gracious and an apt communicator.

After reading the Governor’s books I understood the intricacies of government and the political system to a greater degree. I also understood why he made he made decisions that he made as Governor of Arkansas.

There are conservatives who make political assumptions about the Governor that fail to know his mind. His books tell of his heart for our country and for conservative values.

If you really want to “know” Mike Huckabee’s heart and mind, then read his books! His latest is “A Simpler Government”. Also a must read is his book “Do the Right Thing”.

In 2012 you might be part of the team that leads Gov. Mike Huckabee to the Oval Office!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mike Huckabees New Book "A Simpler Government" is out today!

If you really want to get to know the heart and positions of Gov. Mike Huckabee read his books! All of his books reflect his views on life and politics.

Mike Huckabee may or may not run for President in 2012 but you'll get to know him as never before.

You will become more familiar with politics and government.

Get your copy today.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bills may be Well Intiontioned but Poorly Written

Such a bill is Texas State Bill HR 998. As written the bill would require those who own hunting dogs to buy $100,000 of liability insurance.

My friend witnessed two young girls walking their well behaved golden retriever without a leash here in the DFW Area. According to this bill, they could be charged with a misdemeanor. This is punishment that outweighs the problem.

This is simply a poorly written bill. It may be well intended but does not address a "reasonable" solution. Be careful to understand "how" a piece of legislation is written. A poorly written bill can do more harm than good. It may not reflect its intention.

If you see this kind of bill, call your representatives.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Growing from Diversity of Thought

Embrace those that agree with us and those who disagree with our positions. The benefits are many. Our core motives and beliefs need to be tested. Beliefs that cannot hold up to opposition need to be reflected on and re-researched.

Two things can happen. We can abandon old assumptions or we can find good reasons to hold on to them. We must be honest. We must do our due diligence.

I find many that I might have dismissed are among my best friends. The result is not that I agree with them on many subjects nor is it that they accept my precepts. It is because we experienced something of value about each other. Maybe it was an uncommon compassion or a skill in communicating that we admired. No matter what drew us to each other the end result was a blessing to each party.

There are times when meeting another's mind may not end with agreement nor relationship. No matter the outcome we are able to come away stronger. We can examine how we might have handled the situation better or be better prepared to handle a similar meeting of minds in the future.

An untested and unprepared mind is an accident waiting to happen.

Ask questions not to respond but to understand. Look for areas of agreement. Learn how to express yourself in a manner that supports effective communication.

Civility - It Goes Both Ways

Those if you that read my blog know that I am a fan of “Civility”. Civility is the hallmark of strength and the only effective way to articulate truth.

However our current administration seems to see “civility” in a partisan light. They seem to view “civility” not as a medium for honest discussion but as a blind endorsement of their views.

I would never suggest we be less than civil in our behavior but there seems to be a great need to define what “civility” is and what it isn’t.

Civility is an honest discussion of issues. Civility requires thought and preparation. Civility does not suggest agreement of opposing views.

Civility is a manner that takes the high road in discussions but holds strongly to positions we hold dear. It’s the right tack to take. It’s essential to any meaningful communication.

Lets practice civility in all our communications but lets be prepared to educate others in what civility is and isn’t.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Leadership and Character - Keys to Presidential Success

What should we "Expect" from a President?

One that is engaging? One that is popular? One that is attractive? One that speaks a common language that inspires us? One is able to articulate the problems of the opposition?

These qualities alone make for an interesting and engaging person. However they alone will not make a leader for our great nation.

Above all our future President must work across a divided political climate. We have a widely divided union. The President must be able to hold fast to traditional values. He/she must uphold with vigor the constitution of land. At the same time our leader must engage citizens of a country with many interests.

He must understand foreign political systems and climates that may change in the future. Foreign Policy is critical to our standing among nations.

Our business and economy is a hallmark of our nation. Our President must understand the intricacies of our systems and how to make them work even better.

As a candidate his “platform” with reflect his beliefs and understanding. His “actions” as President may be formulated with new information that we do not have. Our President cannot dictate the will of our legislative branches nor of the will of our people. He can influence but not control the moral condition of our nation. Our President is bound to be unpopular to a wide segment of our populace at any point. He will disappoint us at times.

However, he can lead. Leadership is a much needed skill. The desire to lead and the ability to lead are two very different issues. He must have a proven record of leadership across political lines.

In closing, our confidence in him must be in his ability to lead, his character and moral fiber, his determination and his honesty. His instant popularity will ebb and flow. Decisions will be made that he will have limited ability to control. We can count on being disappointed at times. We must remember that a President is not a Savior. He is a man, dealing with a nation of many opinions.

Lets keep our expectations reasonable and our leaders covered in prayer.

Friday, January 14, 2011

President Obama's Speech in Arizona - Time Will Tell

Those of you who happen to know me know I am not a fan of the President Obama. You know that I question those he has surrounded himself with. I have serious concerns about his philosophy and his politics. I have been outspoken about his lack of civility with those who oppose him.

I think it not difficult to suggest that I would have problems with his speech at the University of Arizona to address a crowd with heavy hearts after the horrible shootings of Gabriella Gifford and others.

Actually I liked has words, in fact I liked the service from beginning to end. I liked the way he comforted the loved ones who lost family members. I applauded his words to those who acted fearlessly to stop the gunman and save many lives.

I liked his call to civility in government on behalf of all parties. He could not have devised better words and powerful challenges to left and right parties. His speech fit the occasion as seldom with perfection.

Will his words touch the hearts of all Americans? Will the call to civility last? Will our political parties work to work a better union? That remains to be seen. For one, I choose not to venture a guess. I’d love to see President Obama bring a new atmosphere to Washington. I’d like to see him bring true transparency to the political process.

I’d like to see both parties drop barriers to communication. I’d like to see both parties stop name calling and hatred.

But then again I’d like to see a lot of things. Que Sera Sera!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Lesson from Arizona!

I am saddened by the shooting of Arizona Rep Gabrielle Gifford and the lives lost by the senseless acts of an out of control shooter. This is an example of the hate and guile that I deplore.

Certainly not everyone who is hateful will take up arms toward those they disagree with. However, Right or Left, they are part of the problem we are facing in America today.

Just yesterday I wrote on the subject of ire in politics. Here is a perfect display of ire taken to extreme. When will we ever learn that ire aids nothing. In fact, it defeats communication and potential healing.

We are often tempted to take the low road in communication because of rhetoric of those who oppose us. Let us not match their behavior. Lets take the high road that is far more likely to work.

Sometimes civility will not work but lets do it anyway. It's the Right Thing!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why is There so Much Ire in Politics?

Civility seems to be outdated. Seems like calling names and putting others down is the new norm.

A strong spirit and common sense does prevail in some. Praise the Lord!

I often wonder how foul words and angry spirits bring about positive change. It seems unreal to me. Many act as if there is never common ground. Many would rather be against their opponents even when it is obvious that could agree.

It's not only opposing parties that practice uncivil behavior. Many oppose their own who fail to agree with them on every topic. Civility is to often seen as weakness rather than a powerful tool to bridge gaps.

I'm glad when I hear voices of reason. I'm happy when I hear ones who look forward to finding a way to mend fences.

There are fences that can't be crossed but they are in the minority. There are issues we cannot compromise on. We can, however, learn to disagree while being civil.

I'll leave the reasons for this to psychologists and social scientists. Some how I can't help but think that an attitude of entitlement aids the problem. Many of our video games and media might share in the problem as well.

Lets take time to chill. Time to relax and know that life goes on. We might even give credence to our Sovereign Creator who loves us in the midst of the chaos of this life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So What Have We Learned in over 2000 years?

Got this Cicero quote from a family member. Thought you would enjoy it.

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should
be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work, instead of living public assistance.
Cicero - 55 BC

So, evidently nothing..

For those who think that humanity has changed, this quote should settle that forever. Man will be man. From my vantage man needs a Savior and Jesus Christ is just that.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Positive Solution For Christians Living in a Polarized Nation

We have a country torn apart by controversy. Rhetoric that is often not heeded by those who endorse it. Rhino's(republican in name only) and Dino's (democrat is name only) whose speech is appealing to their constituents but whose actions (Voting Records) defy their tongue.

Behavior that once was applauded is now considered appalling, short sighted, racist and intolerant.

Our schools openly teach that there are "no absolutes" and that "truth changes with time". Relativism has pervaded our educational institutions and our media.

Family values are attacked. Over fifty million babies have been brutally taken before birth.

Frankly our whole system of law and order has been changing. With no absolutes to dictate law we are left with little but personal preference to legislate what is right or wrong in our behaviors.

Those of us that have strong values based on Biblical principles may be in the minority and considered as a weight to society.

How things have changed. It is no wonder that many who espouse traditional values have given in to anger and resorted to name calling or have given up hope all together.

What are we to do?

For sure, unless our anger is turned to constructive activism, we excelerate the polarization that pulls our nation apart.

We must hold to the manner and message of the gospel. We must understand clearly that while we do not know the ultimate fate of this land, our savior is sovereign and in control. As we look at history we know that God keeps His promises regardless of the political or economic climate.

In the interim we can be strong in our faith and our message. When surrounded in battle God works miracles in the hearts of those He loves. We may or may not stem the tide of wickedness in our nation but He will use us to change hearts of men.

We won't do it by angry spirits but with prayer, compassion, reason, strength and manner. God said to love our enemies and those who dishonor us. We should be lights in darkness. We can't do that if our actions cover light rather than radiate it.

Our manner my not spare us from conflict, but it will honor our Father. It will be a sign of whom we belong to. Should we be firm, strong and unmovable? You bet! Might it cost us. Yes!

We must remember the battle is spiritual and fight as such. Economics and secure borders may fall but God's word does not. The battle is for the hearts of man rather than an economic system or even for a country.

There is reason to speak up and fight for our country but the real battle is for the hearts of man.

Let's keep our priorities and perspective in order. Lets fight the "right" battle!

Mike Huckabee is a Conservatives Conservative!

Legislators who have held office are always open to scrutiny. Mike Huckabee is a prime example.

Some Conservatives have suggested that Mike Huckabee is NOT a conservative. I suggest that you can make that case for any legislator Right or Left. Legislation passed while they are in office may or may not determine their character or position.

Those who are concerned about Mike Huckabee's positions will do good to read his books. "Do the Right Thing" is a good start. Also good article can be found at