Friday, January 14, 2011

President Obama's Speech in Arizona - Time Will Tell

Those of you who happen to know me know I am not a fan of the President Obama. You know that I question those he has surrounded himself with. I have serious concerns about his philosophy and his politics. I have been outspoken about his lack of civility with those who oppose him.

I think it not difficult to suggest that I would have problems with his speech at the University of Arizona to address a crowd with heavy hearts after the horrible shootings of Gabriella Gifford and others.

Actually I liked has words, in fact I liked the service from beginning to end. I liked the way he comforted the loved ones who lost family members. I applauded his words to those who acted fearlessly to stop the gunman and save many lives.

I liked his call to civility in government on behalf of all parties. He could not have devised better words and powerful challenges to left and right parties. His speech fit the occasion as seldom with perfection.

Will his words touch the hearts of all Americans? Will the call to civility last? Will our political parties work to work a better union? That remains to be seen. For one, I choose not to venture a guess. I’d love to see President Obama bring a new atmosphere to Washington. I’d like to see him bring true transparency to the political process.

I’d like to see both parties drop barriers to communication. I’d like to see both parties stop name calling and hatred.

But then again I’d like to see a lot of things. Que Sera Sera!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Lesson from Arizona!

I am saddened by the shooting of Arizona Rep Gabrielle Gifford and the lives lost by the senseless acts of an out of control shooter. This is an example of the hate and guile that I deplore.

Certainly not everyone who is hateful will take up arms toward those they disagree with. However, Right or Left, they are part of the problem we are facing in America today.

Just yesterday I wrote on the subject of ire in politics. Here is a perfect display of ire taken to extreme. When will we ever learn that ire aids nothing. In fact, it defeats communication and potential healing.

We are often tempted to take the low road in communication because of rhetoric of those who oppose us. Let us not match their behavior. Lets take the high road that is far more likely to work.

Sometimes civility will not work but lets do it anyway. It's the Right Thing!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why is There so Much Ire in Politics?

Civility seems to be outdated. Seems like calling names and putting others down is the new norm.

A strong spirit and common sense does prevail in some. Praise the Lord!

I often wonder how foul words and angry spirits bring about positive change. It seems unreal to me. Many act as if there is never common ground. Many would rather be against their opponents even when it is obvious that could agree.

It's not only opposing parties that practice uncivil behavior. Many oppose their own who fail to agree with them on every topic. Civility is to often seen as weakness rather than a powerful tool to bridge gaps.

I'm glad when I hear voices of reason. I'm happy when I hear ones who look forward to finding a way to mend fences.

There are fences that can't be crossed but they are in the minority. There are issues we cannot compromise on. We can, however, learn to disagree while being civil.

I'll leave the reasons for this to psychologists and social scientists. Some how I can't help but think that an attitude of entitlement aids the problem. Many of our video games and media might share in the problem as well.

Lets take time to chill. Time to relax and know that life goes on. We might even give credence to our Sovereign Creator who loves us in the midst of the chaos of this life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So What Have We Learned in over 2000 years?

Got this Cicero quote from a family member. Thought you would enjoy it.

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should
be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work, instead of living public assistance.
Cicero - 55 BC

So, evidently nothing..

For those who think that humanity has changed, this quote should settle that forever. Man will be man. From my vantage man needs a Savior and Jesus Christ is just that.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Positive Solution For Christians Living in a Polarized Nation

We have a country torn apart by controversy. Rhetoric that is often not heeded by those who endorse it. Rhino's(republican in name only) and Dino's (democrat is name only) whose speech is appealing to their constituents but whose actions (Voting Records) defy their tongue.

Behavior that once was applauded is now considered appalling, short sighted, racist and intolerant.

Our schools openly teach that there are "no absolutes" and that "truth changes with time". Relativism has pervaded our educational institutions and our media.

Family values are attacked. Over fifty million babies have been brutally taken before birth.

Frankly our whole system of law and order has been changing. With no absolutes to dictate law we are left with little but personal preference to legislate what is right or wrong in our behaviors.

Those of us that have strong values based on Biblical principles may be in the minority and considered as a weight to society.

How things have changed. It is no wonder that many who espouse traditional values have given in to anger and resorted to name calling or have given up hope all together.

What are we to do?

For sure, unless our anger is turned to constructive activism, we excelerate the polarization that pulls our nation apart.

We must hold to the manner and message of the gospel. We must understand clearly that while we do not know the ultimate fate of this land, our savior is sovereign and in control. As we look at history we know that God keeps His promises regardless of the political or economic climate.

In the interim we can be strong in our faith and our message. When surrounded in battle God works miracles in the hearts of those He loves. We may or may not stem the tide of wickedness in our nation but He will use us to change hearts of men.

We won't do it by angry spirits but with prayer, compassion, reason, strength and manner. God said to love our enemies and those who dishonor us. We should be lights in darkness. We can't do that if our actions cover light rather than radiate it.

Our manner my not spare us from conflict, but it will honor our Father. It will be a sign of whom we belong to. Should we be firm, strong and unmovable? You bet! Might it cost us. Yes!

We must remember the battle is spiritual and fight as such. Economics and secure borders may fall but God's word does not. The battle is for the hearts of man rather than an economic system or even for a country.

There is reason to speak up and fight for our country but the real battle is for the hearts of man.

Let's keep our priorities and perspective in order. Lets fight the "right" battle!

Mike Huckabee is a Conservatives Conservative!

Legislators who have held office are always open to scrutiny. Mike Huckabee is a prime example.

Some Conservatives have suggested that Mike Huckabee is NOT a conservative. I suggest that you can make that case for any legislator Right or Left. Legislation passed while they are in office may or may not determine their character or position.

Those who are concerned about Mike Huckabee's positions will do good to read his books. "Do the Right Thing" is a good start. Also good article can be found at