Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Positive Solution For Christians Living in a Polarized Nation

We have a country torn apart by controversy. Rhetoric that is often not heeded by those who endorse it. Rhino's(republican in name only) and Dino's (democrat is name only) whose speech is appealing to their constituents but whose actions (Voting Records) defy their tongue.

Behavior that once was applauded is now considered appalling, short sighted, racist and intolerant.

Our schools openly teach that there are "no absolutes" and that "truth changes with time". Relativism has pervaded our educational institutions and our media.

Family values are attacked. Over fifty million babies have been brutally taken before birth.

Frankly our whole system of law and order has been changing. With no absolutes to dictate law we are left with little but personal preference to legislate what is right or wrong in our behaviors.

Those of us that have strong values based on Biblical principles may be in the minority and considered as a weight to society.

How things have changed. It is no wonder that many who espouse traditional values have given in to anger and resorted to name calling or have given up hope all together.

What are we to do?

For sure, unless our anger is turned to constructive activism, we excelerate the polarization that pulls our nation apart.

We must hold to the manner and message of the gospel. We must understand clearly that while we do not know the ultimate fate of this land, our savior is sovereign and in control. As we look at history we know that God keeps His promises regardless of the political or economic climate.

In the interim we can be strong in our faith and our message. When surrounded in battle God works miracles in the hearts of those He loves. We may or may not stem the tide of wickedness in our nation but He will use us to change hearts of men.

We won't do it by angry spirits but with prayer, compassion, reason, strength and manner. God said to love our enemies and those who dishonor us. We should be lights in darkness. We can't do that if our actions cover light rather than radiate it.

Our manner my not spare us from conflict, but it will honor our Father. It will be a sign of whom we belong to. Should we be firm, strong and unmovable? You bet! Might it cost us. Yes!

We must remember the battle is spiritual and fight as such. Economics and secure borders may fall but God's word does not. The battle is for the hearts of man rather than an economic system or even for a country.

There is reason to speak up and fight for our country but the real battle is for the hearts of man.

Let's keep our priorities and perspective in order. Lets fight the "right" battle!

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