Friday, January 7, 2011

Why is There so Much Ire in Politics?

Civility seems to be outdated. Seems like calling names and putting others down is the new norm.

A strong spirit and common sense does prevail in some. Praise the Lord!

I often wonder how foul words and angry spirits bring about positive change. It seems unreal to me. Many act as if there is never common ground. Many would rather be against their opponents even when it is obvious that could agree.

It's not only opposing parties that practice uncivil behavior. Many oppose their own who fail to agree with them on every topic. Civility is to often seen as weakness rather than a powerful tool to bridge gaps.

I'm glad when I hear voices of reason. I'm happy when I hear ones who look forward to finding a way to mend fences.

There are fences that can't be crossed but they are in the minority. There are issues we cannot compromise on. We can, however, learn to disagree while being civil.

I'll leave the reasons for this to psychologists and social scientists. Some how I can't help but think that an attitude of entitlement aids the problem. Many of our video games and media might share in the problem as well.

Lets take time to chill. Time to relax and know that life goes on. We might even give credence to our Sovereign Creator who loves us in the midst of the chaos of this life.

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